You might ask, "What are Kris Kringle presents?" They're awesome, that's what they are :) As kids, "Kris Kringle" always found the best presents and small gifts to give us. On Sundays there would be a gift for the family, usually a Christmas book or chocolates--something we could all share and enjoy. During the weekdays (it seemed to me, most often, on those days when my poor 3rd grade week was just too long to endure), we'd wake up and find a small treasure--sometimes wrapped, sometimes not--waiting on our pillow or on our dresser for us. It was always such a treat, and so unexpected.
Two years ago, I decided Kris Kringle should come to our house, too. And what'd'y'know? we found gifts waiting for us all 6 Sundays of Advent :)
Taylor really wished that he got a cut-throat razor to go with it, but I'm not so sure about those yet...
He really did enjoy his new brush, though--it was super cute, and, he says, "much better than that stuff from the can." Well done, Kris Kringle!
And now we sit,
freshly brewed
oolong tea
oolong tea
in nifty
tidying up our day
before heading to bed.
The finer things in life
are usually very small.
But always fantastic.
Enjoy them :)
i sure do enjoy them, with you! though, it seems to me, that even the little things become rich, ornate & beautiful when incorporated into the staggering depths and towering heights of our relationship :) nothing is little when shared with you