I went to work in the morning (ah, another year of successfully not telling them it's my birthday. There can be so much frivolous fuss in offices... I prefer to avoid it) and then hurried to meet T at the T :) He had picked up some sushi-to-go for lunch, and when I arrived at the station, the train was just pulling up so we hopped on and headed downtown. Also while I was at work, T had waited in line for rush tickets to the Boston Symphony Orchestra's matinée performance of Beethoven's 8th and 9th Symphonies (skipping class :-o and waiting in the frigid wind, I might add--see how much my husband loves me?).
Thankfully, Symphony hall was nice and warm :) The symphonies were thoroughly enjoyable (despite our afternoon-drowsiness--who's idea was it to hold concerts during siesta time?!) and we were glad to have been able to get tickets (Thank you, Taylor!).
Then we visited the Secrets of Tomb 10A exhibit. I know, the name sounds a bit dry (C'mon, people, "Tomb 10A"?), but it was very interesting for us Classics majors :D For some reason, I get such a kick out of looking at objects that are thousands of years old. Isn't that crazy?
For dinner we went to Meyers + Chang, a restaurant with a "funky indie diner setting" that has fabulous food! We ate a whole lot... but it was very good (and we must have been pretty hungry because we weren't terribly full afterwards, either (though we did enjoy the long-ish walk to the T...)). Highly recommended if you're in the Boston area!
So we walked back to the T through downtown Boston, warm, full bellies under our coats, and came home to open presents. I got:
- several awesome books (I'm sure you'll hear about them eventually)
- some new crystal glasses
- an awesome scarf/glove set
- the niftiest sewing scissors I've ever touched :D
- a "Faith Hope Love" stamp
- and, of course, oodles of lovely cards!
Without question, a fabulous way to remember my birth day :)
What a lovely day! Do tell - what makes your sewing scissors so nifty?