
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Philosophers' Wives Support Group (Boston Chapter)

Well, yesterday evening, we had a small dinner party (yes, I know--it's really just an excuse to use my china!) :) Dave and Mandy came over early and hung out a bit before Prof. Byrne and his wife, Joan, came. It was a delightful little gathering, but T, Dave, and their professor are three peas in a pod, as far as philosophy goes. Luckily, though, Mandy and Joan and I were all able to... commiserate? sympathize? roll our eyes together? chuckle knowingly? at how similar our husbands were. It was grand fun. As a philosopher's wife, one never knows when the conversation will suddenly turn from discussions of normal, every-day pleasantries to a metaphysical exposition on the latest lecture her philosopher-husband attended. Now, when you get three of these (Lonerganian) philosophers together, it's an exciting adventure down the "further pertinent questions" lane regarding the "already-out there-now-real" and the "unity-identity-whole" (and don't forget to mention your intentionality and emergent probability!). My favorite part, though, was when Joan, Mandy, and I were all able to share what we say when people ask us, "So, what does your husband do?" Joan: "Oh, he's a teacher." Interlocutor: "High school?" "No." "College?" "Yes." "Well, what does he teach?" *under her breath* "philosophy" "Oh.. interesting." Mandy: "He's getting his master's degree." "Oh, in what?" "Philosophy." "What does he want to do with that?!" "Law School." *relieved* "Oh! Good for him." Me: "He's a philosopher." "Oh." *awkward silence* "But he does lots of other things, too! He wants to get a JD and a PhD and teach somewhere and he has lots of business experience." "Uh huh..." The dinner itself went well, too. We made a yummy beef roast (which, I think, was a tad too rare for most people, but I didn't hear any complaints, so it must have been tolerable) and mashed potatoes, and Dave and Mandy brought salad fixings which were very delicious (field greens with candied walnuts, craisins, goat cheese, and pear vinegarette dressing). Fresh peach crisp and ice cream for dessert with tea and coffee. A fun evening with good friends (and lots of leftovers! yay!).

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